Start-up Entities (Corporations, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies)
Family-Owned Businesses
Mid-to-Large Sized Entities
Owners and Founders
Directors and Managers
Suppliers and Service Providers
Mergers, Acquisitions and Enterprise Transactions
Mergers, Consolidations, Reorganizations
Acquisitions & Sales of Businesses (Asset & Stock)
Leveraged Buyouts
Management Buyouts and Buy-ins
Equity Incentive Plans
Staged Liquidity
Joint Ventures and Teaming Arrangements
Licensing and Distribution Arrangements
Comprehensive Legal Services for Businesses
Enterprise Maintenance
Board Structure and Advisory Work
Employment, Consulting and Non-Compete Agreements
Executive Incentive and Stock Option Plans
Confidentiality Agreements
Non-Compete Agreements
Intellectual Property Protection (Copyrights, Trademarks, Trade Secrets)
Real Estate and Leases
Machinery and Equipment Purchases
Supplier and Vendor Agreements
My business is being attacked by fake anonymous reviews!
The struggle is real. Anonymous reviews and techniques like sockpuppets make it very easy to to attack a business online. It is a form of online vandalism.
Learn how to identify anonymous reviewers posting defamatory content about your business. Learn the legal process for filing petitions, obtaining subpoenas, and protecting your professional or business reputation.